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Salivary DHEA-S ELISA Kit


Technical Summary

Assay Protocol
Rev. 09.09.22
Catalog#: 1-1252
Regulatory Status: RUO
Format: 96-well plate
Assay Time: ~ 2 hrs
Sample Volume/Test: 100 µL
Sensitivity: 95.14 pg/mL
Assay Range: 188.9 pg/mL- 15,300 pg/mL
Storage Requirements: 2-8°C
Tests Per Kit
Singlet: 76
Duplicate: 38
Target Analyte
Technical Documentation

Salivary DHEA-S Assay Kit Overview

Intended Use

The Salimetrics DHEA-S Enzyme Immunoassay Kit is a competitive immunoassay specifically designed and validated for the quantitative measurement of salivary DHEA-S. It is not intended for diagnostic use. It is intended only for research use in humans and some animals. Salimetrics has not validated this kit for serum or plasma samples.


Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) is a steroid hormone produced primarily in the adrenal cortex. DHEA-S is the most abundant steroid hormone in humans, with circulating concentrations approximately 250 and 500 times higher than those of its unsulfated analog, DHEA, in women and men, respectively. DHEA-S serves as a precursor molecule that is circulated to various target tissues in the body. In those locations the sulfate is removed to yield DHEA, and the DHEA is then further metabolized into various estrogenic and androgenic compounds. DHEA-S is not bound by sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in the blood stream and is readily available for conversion to other compounds. Unlike DHEA, DHEA-S does not normally exhibit any diurnal pattern of secretion. Levels of DHEA-S peak around the age of 20 to 30, and then decline to only 20-30% of peak levels by the age of 70 to 80. Critical illness and emotional or physical stress can also cause DHEA-S levels to decline. Lowered DHEA-S levels have been linked with a variety of medical conditions. DHEA-S and DHEA are also synthesized directly in the central nervous system, where they appear to help protect nervous tissue against harmful agents. Studies have begun to explore possible relationships between DHEA-S levels and changes in neurological function, including sense of well-being, cognition, depression, and various other psychiatric disorders. DHEA-S is not lipid soluble, and it cannot enter saliva by passive diffusion through cell membranes like most of the other steroid hormones. Instead, it enters saliva only by squeezing through the tight junctions between cells in the saliva glands, and it is too large to do this readily. It is therefore present in relatively small amounts. Binding proteins or enzymes in saliva that would affect the measurement of free DHEA-S appear largely to be absent. DHEA-S levels measured in whole saliva may be inaccurate if contamination by plasma exudates from the gums or from small injuries in the mouth is present. Subjects should be carefully screened for periodontal disease and advised about proper collection procedures. Saliva may also be screened for blood contamination using the Salimetrics Blood Contamination EIA Kit (Item. No. 1-1302). DHEA-S concentrations in saliva decrease markedly as flow rates increase.

Salivary DHEA-S Assay Principle

This is a competitive immunoassay kit. DHEA-S in standards and samples compete with DHEA-S conjugated to horseradish peroxidase for the antibody binding sites on a microtitre plate. After incubation, unbound components are washed away. Bound DHEA-S Enzyme Conjugate is measured by the reaction of the horseradish peroxidase enzyme to the substrate tetramethylbenzidine (TMB). This reaction produces a blue color. A yellow color is formed after stopping the reaction with an acidic solution. The optical density is read on a standard plate reader at 450 nm. The amount of DHEA-S Enzyme Conjugate detected is inversely proportional to the amount of DHEA-S present in the sample.

References & Salivary DHEA-S Rsearch

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