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COVID-19 Saliva Sample Submission Guidelines


Prior to collecting and sending samples to Salimetrics, researchers are requested they follow the Guidance provided by the NIH, related to NIH-funded Clinical Trials and Human Subjects Studies Affected by COVID-19.

Specifically: At this time, NIH encourages recipients to consult with their IRB and institutions about potential measures to protect participants and research staff. Examples of such measures are:

  • Conducting virtual study visits
  • Arranging flexibility for required laboratory tests or imaging needed for safety monitoring to occur at local laboratories or clinics

For our Salimetrics research community that are collecting saliva samples, please be advised that saliva collected from an infected participant, carries a small but viable risk of contamination from the SARS-COV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 on the vial exterior. Freezing the vials does not diminish the virus’ virulence, hence we advise that all saliva samples, once collected from the research participant, be handled while wearing appropriate PPE.  We recommend for anyone handling samples other than their own, the vials need to be wiped down with an EPA-registered disinfectant. We recommend this whether samples are collected by passive drool or using swabs.


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